Readiness Programme for Climate Finance

The Adaptation Fund’s Readiness Programme for Climate Finance aims to help strengthen the capacity of national and regional implementing entities to receive and manage climate financing, particularly through the Fund’s Direct Access modality, and to adapt and build resilience to counter changing climate conditions in sectors ranging from agriculture and food security to coastal zones and urban areas.

The Adaptation Fund (AF) has been actively providing readiness and capacity-building support to developing countries since accreditation of the Fund’s first implementing entities and approval of  its first projects by the Board in 2010. The Fund further delivers readiness and capacity-building support through its Readiness Programme for Climate Finance, established in 2014, through a range of instruments that include financial and non-financial activities. The Fund continues to deliver capacity-building support to developing countries and has been formally serving the Paris Agreement since January 2019.

Readiness Programme Key Focal Areas

  • Support to accredited implementing entities, which includes introduction seminars, facilitating peer to peer learning and the provision of small grants to support project formulation and the implementation of specific policies such as the environment and social policy
  • Cooperation / partnerships with climate finance readiness providers
  • Support to countries seeking accreditation through small grants, hosting climate finance readiness seminars and events, and developing tools and guidance documents to support countries seeking accreditation with the Fund
  • Knowledge management including the publishing of country case studies, media outreach and the documentation of lessons learnt on Climate Finance Ready website

Readiness Grants

The Adaptation Fund Board has made available several small grants under the Readiness Programme to help national implementing entities (NIEs) provide peer support to countries seeking accreditation with the Fund and to build capacity for undertaking various climate finance readiness activities.

Policies and Guidelines

The Fund has published guidance documents for implementing entities on compliance with the Adaptation Fund Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) and Gender Policy. The documents provide practical guidance to implementing entities on achieving and demonstrating compliance with the ESP and Gender Policy in the project and programme cycle whenever project implementation has the potential to trigger risks in those areas. Read and download the guidance documents in the Policies and Guidelines section.

About Direct Access

The Adaptation Fund pioneered fully operational direct access to climate financing.

Through direct access, National Implementing Entities are able to directly access financing and manage all aspects of climate adaptation and resilience projects, from design through implementation to monitoring and evaluation. Read more >

Adaptation Fund and the PCCB

The Fund additionally is a member of the Paris Committee on Capacity-Building (PCCB) network, and supports the PCCB through active input provision, engagement and sharing of the Fund’s readiness and capacity-building knowledge, experience and activities.

The PCCB was established in 2015 to address current and emerging gaps and needs in implementing and enhancing capacity-building in developing countries. The PCCB Network is open to all public and private entities at local, national, regional and international levels engaged in climate-related capacity-building and is aimed at exchanging knowledge and experiences to boost the impact of collective action.