Document Summary
Decision B.16/1
Having considered the recommendations of the Accreditation Panel as contained in document AFB/B.16/4, paragraphs 4 to 10 and the conclusions contained in Annex I, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to accredit the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA) of Rwanda (MINIRENA) as the National Implementing Entity for Rwanda on the understanding that:
(a) MINIRENA should submit to the secretariat, on an annual basis, a procurement audit report issued by the Auditor General’s Office, or an independent auditor, on the Adaptation Fund project/s under implementation in relation to the effectiveness of its procurement systems and practice, as well as continuous availability of qualified resources in project cycle management; and
(b) The report referred to above should correlate recommendations identified by the internal auditor of MINIRENA and any relevant review by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MINECOFIN), taking also into account any issues raised by stake holders.
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