Call for Learning Grants


The Adaptation Fund (the Fund) Medium-Term Strategy (2018-2022) includes in its implementation plan, an activity for funding learning grants under the Learning and Sharing strategic focus, to enhance its own processes and activities, as well as those of others. These activities are funded under a new funding window for National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to access learning grants. Learning Grants build on the Fund’s recently revised Knowledge Management Framework and Action Plan (approved in 2016) that has an objective to continuously: (a) Improve Fund policies and performance through effective, “whole-of-organization” learning and sharing and; (b) Support collaborative learning and sharing across adaptation communities of practice.

The goal of learning grants is to help encourage a culture of learning across institutions and help build NIE capacities. They present an opportunity to capture, study and disseminate practical lessons from adaptation interventions that are additional to Knowledge Management activities already financed under Adaptation Fund approved projects/ programmes. They may be utilized to complement collaborative knowledge and sharing efforts with respect to partnerships with diverse stakeholders on the ground.

The grant amount that can be accessed by an accredited NIE is up to a maximum of US$ 500,000 per project/programme. (Decision B.42/34)

Eligibility Criteria

NIEs eligible to receive Learning Grants to share or transfer knowledge to other NIEs or the wider climate adaptation community or to develop knowledge or guidelines through partnerships must meet all the below criteria.

The NIE:

(i) Must be an accredited national implementing entity of the Adaptation Fund and have an accreditation status of “Accredited”.

(ii) Must have, at a minimum an Adaptation Fund funded project that has reached the mid-point in implementation or where a Mid-Term Review or Evaluation (MTR/MTE) has been submitted. For projects that have a duration of less than 4 years, at least one Project Performance Report (PPR) should have been submitted.

(iii) Must submit together with the application form, a letter of endorsement by the Designated Authority to the Adaptation fund in support of the learning grant application.

Eligible Activities

The types of activities to be funded by the learning grants should fall under the below mentioned three categories of activities stated in the implementation plan of the MTS:

(i) Transferring knowledge from one NIE to another;

(ii) Transferring knowledge from NIE to the wider climate adaptation community;

(iii) Developing knowledge and guidelines through partnerships However, the activities can be diverse and be based on the specific needs of the countries/implementing entities proposing them. Below is a non-exhaustive list of activities that could be funded by the learning grants:

  • Lessons learnt
  • Studies and publications
  • Technical guidance briefs
  • Partnerships
  • Knowledge platforms
  • Adaptation financing workshops
  • Resource centers
  • Knowledge sharing events
  • Country exchanges
  • Learning courses

When completing the grant application, NIEs should follow the proposed guiding principles mentioned below for the activities proposed. All potential learning activities will be assessed against these principles, which should be met to a satisfactory extent. While it will often not be feasible or necessary for any one learning activity to meet all these principles, they serve as a useful guidance for strategic alignment and screening for quality assurance.

Guiding Principles for Learning:

  • Evidence based: Activities planned reflect the knowledge gaps identified by the users, addressing issues with strong potential for evidence-based learning.
  • Country owned: Learning methods and approaches are driven by users and respond to learning needs identified in-country.
  • Learning-reoriented: Learning activities proposed built on established best practices for project/programme learning.
  • Collaborative: Collaborative partnerships should be pursued to facilitate relevant learning using shared resources and knowledge.
  • Inclusive and gender-responsive: Learning activities should address gender considerations and include concerns of the most vulnerable groups and communities.
  • Innovative: Learning activities should emphasize innovative, effective solutions and practices to adaptation that have demonstrated viability on the ground.
  • Supports local or traditional knowledge: Learning activities to include expertise and knowledge of local stakeholders, whenever possible.

Implementation Arrangements

Upon receipt of the application and following closure of the application deadline, the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat will undertake a technical review of the proposal and will submit the proposal to the Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC) for their review and recommendation to the Board for decision by the Board.

NIEs are responsible for managing the grant and implementation of the project, including management of all aspects of procurement as well as financial and non-financial reporting.

Results Monitoring and Reporting

As is the standard practice of the fund, NIEs are expected to adhere to reporting requirements for grants as per the Board Decision B.32/37. NIEs must submit project monitoring and completion reports as well as financial reports. Reporting templates for Learning Grants can be downloaded through the list of attachments at the bottom of the page.

Deadline for Submission of Application

The Adaptation Fund Board accepts and considers project proposals for Learning Grants twice a year. The proposals are considered at the regular meetings of the Board. The next submission deadlines can be found under Apply for Funding and on the calendar on this website.

Applications should be sent to and carbon copy to and Please see the list of attachments at the bottom of the page for the application form and the DA endorsement letter template.

Please click here for information in French and Spanish about the learning grants.

For more information on learning grants take the free e-trainings on how to apply for funding available in English, French and Spanish.



Attachment Type Size
Instructions, Learning Grant DOCX 59 KB
Application Form, Learning Grant (Amended October 2019) DOCX 65 KB
French PDF 130 KB
Spanish PDF 92 KB