Learning Grants
The Adaptation Fund (the Fund) Medium-Term Strategy (MTS) was approved by the Adaptation Fund Board (the Board) in October 2017 and focuses on three main pillars: Action; Innovation; and Learning and Sharing. The MTS implementation plan outlines expected results, outputs, and activities that will be undertaken to put the MTS into action, indicators for measuring performance and a tentative budget and timeline. As outlined in document AFB/B.31/5/Rev.1, the third strategic focus – learning and sharing, has a focus to enhance its own processes and activities, as well as those of others. The “Learning and sharing” pillar includes three expected result areas, the first (ER1) being that: lessons are learnt and shared. Under ER1 it is expected that practical lessons from Fund processes and projects/programmes captured and effectively communicated to adaptation actors around the world. Expected outputs under this result area are learning grants, and the delivery method as well as features and implementation arrangements for learning grants were approved by the Board at its thirty-second meeting, through Decision 32/38.
Learning Grants build on the Fund’s recently revised Knowledge Management Framework and Action Plan (approved in 2016). They would be funded under a new funding window for National Implementing Entities (NIEs) to access learning grants.
Learning Grants provide funding to NIEs with the goal to help encourage a culture of learning across institutions and help build NIE capacities. They represent a window of opportunity to capture, study and disseminate practical lessons from adaptation interventions that are additional to knowledge management (KM) activities already financed under Adaptation Fund approved projects/ programmes. Additionally, they aim to complement collaborative knowledge and sharing efforts with respect to partnerships with diverse stakeholders on the ground.
The types of activities to be funded by the learning grants should fall under the three categories of activities stated in the implementation plan of the MTS, namely: 1) transferring knowledge from one NIE to another, 2) transferring knowledge from NIE to the wider climate adaptation community and 3) developing knowledge and guidelines through partnerships. Activities can be very diverse and be based on the specific needs of the countries/implementing entities proposing them. It is expected that the accredited NIEs would be responsible for managing the learning grant and implementation of the project, including management of all aspects of procurement as well as financial and non-financial reporting requirements.
NIEs applying for Learning Grants must be a National Implementing Entity (NIE) to the Adaptation Fund and have an accreditation status of “Accredited”.
NIEs must have an Adaptation Fund funded project that has reached the mid-point in implementation or where a Mid-term report (MTR) / Mid-term evaluation (MTE) has been submitted/ completed. For projects that have project duration of less than 4 years, at least one Project Performance Report (PPR) should have been submitted.
How It Works
Learning Grants are available for each accredited entity meeting the above conditions up to a maximum of US$150,000 per grant and can be accessed by submitting a request to the Adaptation Fund Board through the Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat.
Following receipt of the proposal for a Learning Grant, the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat will review the application and make a recommendation to the Board. The Board will then make a decision on the proposal and, if approved, funds will be transferred to the accredited NIE to implement the activities as outlined in the proposal.
Apply for Learning Grant
To apply for a Learning Grant, please find below the instructions where you can download and complete the application form. The learning grant application form must be submitted together with a signed letter of endorsement by the Designated Authority (DA) to the Adaptation Fund.