Document Summary


Decision B.14/3

During the closed meeting the Board  decided to accredit the National Environment Fund (NEF) of Benin as a National Implementing Entity, subject to the following conditions:
(a) That within three months of each year end the external auditor of the NEF informs the Adaptation Fund Board secretariat as to whether:
(i) Key staff was available during the year to monitor, execute and account for Adaptation Fund projects;
(ii) The accounts of Adaptation Fund  projects are up to date, and accurately reflected the transactions during the year; and
(iii) All Adaptation Fund project procurements during the year followed national procurement rules;
(b) That before the first disbursement the Ministry of Environment, Hygiene and Urban Planning (MEHU) and NEF places on their website an anti-fraud policy that includes, inter alia, that:
(i) It has a zero fraud tolerance in relation to the projects funded by the  Adaptation Fund and the other projects they manage;
(ii) All allegations received will be investigated and complainants will be covered under appropriate whistleblower protection; and
(iii) A demonstration of an appropriate system whereby allegations of fraud, financial mismanagement and other irregularities that come to the NEF or the MEHU will be recorded and properly investigated.



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