Document Summary


Decision B.14/23

Having considered the recommendation of the Ethics and Finance Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Request the secretariat and the GEF Evaluation Office to:
(i) Prepare a revised version of the Evaluation Framework to be presented to the Board at its 15th meeting. The revised version should incorporate comments provided at the 5th meeting of the Ethics and Finance Committee, in particular further explanation in two areas:
a. What would trigger an implementing entity level evaluation (paragraph 19);
b. The type of civil society organizations that will be requested to participate in evaluations (paragraph 36).
(ii) Present further information, including costs, regarding options for the implementation of the evaluation frameworks 2 and 3 (option 1 should not be considered further); in particular:
a. For option 2: elements for terms of reference for the members of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group and suggestions of possible rosters of experts;
b. For option 3: elements of a memorandum of understanding with the GEF Evaluation Office and Council.
(b) Request the GEF Evaluation Office to continue to provide support to the secretariat regarding evaluation matters.



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