Document Summary


Decision B.15/23

Having considered the recommendation of the Ethics and Finance Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Approve the option of entrusting the evaluation function to the GEF Evaluation Office, for an interim three-year period;
(b) Approve the Evaluation Framework contained in Annex II to document AFB/EFC.6/4 with the changes to paragraphs 12-14, as contained in Annex I to this report, and request the GEF Evaluation Office and the secretariat to prepare a final version of the Evaluation Framework;
(c) Request the secretariat to publish the evaluation framework and disseminate it at the earliest possible opportunity; and
(d) Further request the secretariat to present to the next EFC meeting a document on how to trigger a review or an investigation, including to address cases of financial mismanagement. The document should present examples of the experience of other funds and proposals on how to deal with the results of such a review or an investigation.



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