Document Summary


Decision B.17/19

Having considered the recommendation of the EFC the Board decided to: 
(a) Maintain the 50 per cent cap on the funding of project/programmes implemented by MIEs established by decision B.12/9, and exclude project/programme concepts from the 50 per cent calculation; 
(b) Establish a pipeline of fully developed projects/programmes that have been recommended by the PPRC for approval by the Board, but exceeding the 50 per cent cap; 
(c) Prioritize the projects/programmes in the pipeline by sequentially applying the following criteria: 
(i) Their date of recommendation by the PPRC; 
(ii) Their submission date; and 
(iii)  The lower “net” cost.
(d) Consider fully developed projects/programmes in the pipeline for approval, subject to availability of resources and respecting the 50 per cent cap; and 
(e) Request that the EFC consider at its 9th meeting the suspension of project/programme submissions as the last measure and elaborate on a clear threshold that indicates when the measure should be applied (e.g. 60 per cent excess of the cap). 



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