Document Summary


Hiroshi Ono, a Japanese national, has joined the Adaptation Fund Board in March 2009. He is working for the Ministry of the Environment, Japan as Director of Global Environment Research Office, Global Environment Bureau.
He joined then the Environment Agency (currently the Ministry of the Environment) as an environmental engineer in 1987, and had experienced wide range of environmental fronts including air, water and noise pollution control, motor vehicle emission control, environmental assessment, wastewater and waste management, and global environmental issues in the Ministry of the Environment, Aichi Prefectural Government (local government) and Ministry of Health and Welfare. He also worked for the World Bank being engaged in environmental assessment for Bank’s lending projects, air pollution control projects, carbon finance projects and a climate change adaptation study for the East Asian countries.
He holds a Master’s degree in Urban and Sanitary Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, and Master’s degrees in Engineering Science (Waste Management) and Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of New South Wales, Australia.


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