Document Summary


Joined the AF Board in June 2009 as a member from Eastern European region. Mathematician. Has worked in the fields of medical cybernetics and psychology. Since September 2004 works in the field of environment: Chief Specialist at the Climate Change Division in the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, is in charge for adaptation to CC. M. Inahsvili has participated in preparation of Georgia’s Second National Communication and its GHG inventory. Since 2006 is an Expert Reviewer (since 2011 – lead reviewer) of UNFCCC Roster of Experts; as a waste-sector expert and a LR has participated in 5 centralized and 5 in-country reviews of GHG inventories of Annex I countries-Parties to the UNFCCC; and in 2 in-depth reviews of National Communication of Switzerland to the UNFCCC (as a generalist and responsible for Impacts, Vulnerability & Adaptation, Financial resources & Technology Transfer and Research & Systematic Observations chapters).


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