Document Summary
Decision B.17/9
Belize: Belize Marine Conservation and Climate Adaption Project (Project concept; World Bank; BIZ/MIE/Coastal/2011/1; US $6,000,000)
Having considered the recommendation of the PPRC the Board decided to:
(a) Endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the World Bank to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request that the secretariat transmit to the World Bank the following observations:
(i) The fully-developed project document should identify specifically how the project will overcome the challenges faced in the previous Coastal Zone Management projects in Belize (including the project of the Global nvironment Facility “Sustainable Development and Management of
Biologically Diverse Coastal Resources”) in order to address a more holistic multi-ecosystem approach; and
(ii) The fully-developed project document should clearly outline the measures being proposed to ensure project sustainability, including the role
and status of the Marine Conservation and Climate Adaptation Initiative (MCCAI); for while Adaptation Funds are not being used for the development and establishment of the MCCAI, the long-term impact of the proposed project should not be compromised should the initiative not have the intended outcome.
(c) Request the World Bank to transmit the observations referred to under item (b) above to the Government of Belize; and
(d) Encourage the Government of Belize to submit through the World Bank a fullydeveloped project proposal that would address the observations made under paragraph (b) above.
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