Document Summary


Decision B.17/8

Benin: Adaptation of Cotonou Lagoon ecosystems and human communities to sea level rise and extreme weather events impacts (Project concept; FNE; BEN/NIE/Coastal/2012/1; US $9,080,000) 
Having considered the recommendation of the PPRC the Board decided to: 
(a) Approve the project-formulation grant request of US $29,000; 
(b) Endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the Fonds National Pour L’Environnement (FNE) to the request made by the technical review; 
(c) Request  that the secretariat transmit to FNE the following observations: 
(i) The targeted private sector stakeholders should be consulted and proof of their engagement in the process should be provided; 
(ii)  The linkage between the five expected results, or “outcomes”, of the project should be clarified further;  
(iii)  The project’s “objective”, as currently stated, is too broad and could rather be defined as the “goal” of the project. For the sake of clarity the fullydeveloped project document should present a main project objective that would reflect that linkage, in addition to providing five specific objectives; 
(iv) The fully-developed project document should provide more accurate data on the expected economic benefits and the targeted gender groups that would benefit from the project; 
(v) The final concrete adaptation options chosen for this project should be provided (if a combination of “hard” and “soft” infrastructures is chosen) and the costs adjusted accordingly; 
(vi) The fully-developed project document should provide a table which listed the relevant past and existing initiatives, and explained the expected 
synergies and complementarities with the proposed project or the best practices that will be replicated through it; and 
(vii)  The activities described in the “knowledge management” section should be reflected in the specific outputs or outcomes of the project and therefore be described in the “components and financing” and the “results framework” tables of the fully-developed project document. 
(d) Request FNE to transmit the observations referred to under item (c) above to the Government of Benin; and 
(e) Encourage the Government of Benin to submit through FNE a fully-developed project proposal that would address the observations made under paragraph (c) above. 



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