Document Summary
Decision B.17/13
Ghana: Increase Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana through the Management of Water Resources and of Livelihoods (Fully-developed project document; UNDP; GHA/MIE/Water/2012/1; US $8,850,000)
Having considered the recommendation of the PPRC the Board decided to:
(a) Not approve the project document, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request that UNDP reformulate the proposal taking into account the following:
(i) The project design, description, and its activities lack a strong foundation in consultation with the communities involved and the intended
beneficiaries; and although the proponent makes the argument that the baseline is likely to change between proposal submission and the inception of the project, that argument has not been justified. It is strongly recommended that a comprehensive consultation process be carried out during project preparation rather than deferring crucial elements of project design until the inception phase;
(ii) The activities and scope of the project should be comprehensively elaborated further, including, but not limited to: specifying the number of
beneficiaries, quantifying the benefits of the project, demonstrating its costeffectiveness (including financial data), documenting the lessons from other projects the project will build upon, aligning the proposal with gender considerations with regards to integrating women into the community
management mechanisms the project intends to create, justifying the linkages between components to establish a framework that will exist after the lifetime of the project, strengthening the results framework and indicators, and providing a budget with budget notes detailed to the output level; and
(iii) The project budget should be either further justified or reduced, including, but not limited to, the “softer” components 1 and 4, particularly as
the results have not been quantified.
(c) Request UNDP to transmit the observation under item (b) to the Government of Ghana.
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