Document Summary


Decision B.15/17

Mali: Programme Support for Climate Adaptation in the vulnerable regions of Mopti and Timbouctou (UNDP) (MLI/MIE/Food/2011/1, US $8,533,688)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Project and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Not endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request that UNDP reformulates the proposal taking into account the following issues:
(i) The proponent should provide more baseline information on the existing capacities, initiatives and strategies that could create the enabling environment for the implementation of the proposed activities and ensure their sustainability;
(ii) The proponent should explain how safety net measures (cash for work through labour intensive enhanced water control measures) are implemented as part of the more comprehensive approach to reducing vulnerability at the local level;
(iii) The synergies and avoidance of duplication with the projects of the United Nations Environment Programme, the United  Nations Food and Agricultural Organization and the United Nations Development Programme should be better explained. In addition, it should also explain how it would avoid duplication and create synergies with the following:
a. World Bank/Global Environment Facility Sustainable Land Management Project, developed by the Ministère de l‟Environnement et de l‟Assainissement/Cadre Institutionnel de la Gestion des Questions Environnementales (MEA/CIGQE) with the support of the Terrafrica platform partners, that focuses on Agricultural extension and research through Community Driven Development approach in the northern parts of the country
b. Agricultural Services and Producer Organizations Project (World Bank), which has established an institutional framework conducive to the efficient delivery of agricultural services to producers, by supporting the decentralization of core public services, promoting private sector participation and by empowering producer organizations; and
c. Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification Project  (World Bank) that has the main objective to demonstrate and disseminate irrigation, post-harvest and value-adding technologies.
(iv) The role that the Faguibine System Development Authority (FSDA) will play in this project should be clarified, to ensure the sustainability of the project‟s investments; and
(v) The role that the World Food Programme (WFP) will play in the project needs clarification. The proposal states that WFP will be involved without the use of funding from the Adaptation Fund. However, as WFP will be involved in the food for work or cash for work activities, they will be considered as executing entity, using funding from the Adaptation Fund.
(c) Further request UNDP to transmit the observations referred to under item (b) above to the Government of Mali, on the understanding that a revised concept might be submitted at a later date.



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