Document Summary


Decision B.18/7

Paraguay: Ecosystem-based Approaches for Reducing the Vulnerability of Food Production to the  Impacts  of  Climate  Change  in the  Eastern and Chaco Regions of Paraguay (Project concept) (UNEP) (PRY/MIE/Food/2012/1, US$7,128,450)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request  the secretariat to transmit to UNEP the following observations:
i. The possible partner non-governmental organizations for the implementation of the sub-projects should be pre-identified in the fully developed project document, and their added value assessed;
ii. In order to demonstrate the project‟s cost effectiveness, the fully developed project document should prioritize among the number of adaptation activities identified under component 2, and revise the proposed outputs and outcomes accordingly to include concrete, measurable results, inter alia increased agricultural productivity, rather than non-quantifiable outcomes;
iii. The fully-developed project document should provide a budget for the activities identified under component 2 and describe the number of 
beneficiaries or the targeted area, in hectares, for those activities, when relevant.
(c) Request UNEP to transmit the observations in paragraph (b) above to the government of Paraguay; and
(d) Encourage the Government of Paraguay to submit through UNEP a fullydeveloped project proposal that would address the observations in paragraph (b) above.



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