Document Summary


Decision B.18/8

Peru: Adaptation to the Impacts of Climate Change on Peru‟s Coastal Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries (Project concept) (IDB) (PER/MIE/Coastal/2011/1, US$6,950,239)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request  the secretariat to transmit to IDB the following observations:
i. The fully-developed project document should consider whether it would be beneficial to include activities that would actively address the industrial 
fisheries, and should ensure that the approach taken is comprehensive enough and adequately addresses the need to make the overall fisheries 
management policies, and institutional and legal framework in Peru more adaptive by including not only the artisanal part of the fisheries but also the industrial part, even if “on-the-ground” concrete adaption measures would focus, as proposed, on the artisanal fisheries;
ii. At the level of individual components, the fully-developed project document should reassess and strengthen, wherever possible, the adaptation 
reasoning, seeking the possibility of including additional measures that go beyond ecological fisheries management;
iii. During project development consultations should be held with the Humboldt urrent project, being funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), to ensure that the two projects are complementary and do not overlap, and that the activities contributing to development of national policies in the proposed project are aligned with the transboundary framework that is being developed under the GEF project.
(c) Request the IDB to transmit the observations in paragraph (b) above to the Government of Peru; and 
(d) Encourage the Government of Peru to submit through IDB a fully-developed project proposal that would address the observations in paragraph (b) above.



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