Document Summary


Decision B.10/11

Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC), the Adaptation Fund Board decided:
(a) To endorse the concept for the proposal AFB/MIE/Food/2010/1, in accordance with the operational policies and guidelines;
(b) To request the secretariat to transmit technical review sheet, contained in document AFB/PPRC.1/9, to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);
(c) To further request the secretariat to transmit to UNDP the observations made by the members of the PPRC on the project when discussing it at the first meeting of the PPRC, listed under item (e) below and contained in annex III to the present report;
(d) To request UNDP to transmit the comments of the PPRC together with the technical review sheet to the Government of the Solomon Islands; and
(e) To encourage the Government of the Solomon Islands to submit a fully-developed project proposal through UNDP, and request UNDP to provide to the Adaptation Fund Board the clarifications requested in the technical review sheet, and in the comments of the PPRC, specifically:
i. Barriers and constraints are discussed in sufficient details and are highly relevant to successful project implementation. Given the seriousness of these barriers, the project proposal should identify how they would be overcome or at least why they would not pose risks to achieving results. The project proposal should include a full risk analysis and risk mitigation measures.
ii. The proposal should clearly outline different climate change scenarios and their impact on the adaptation challenge.
iii. The project proposal needs to distinguish between food security and agricultural production increases, and which policy and institutional frameworks will be strengthened. It should be clear if the objective is food security related, which includes issues of access, utilization and stability as well as production. The proposal also needs to distinguish between food security at local and national levels, respectively, and ensure that the policy support and project activities are aligned at the same level.  
iv. The project proposal needs to identify how communities will be targeted, which criteria will be used and what are the means of verification. The proposal must clarify how specific project activities will be selected in the first component of the project instead of alternative ones. More information is needed also on the second component.
v. As many of the activities are of a very technical nature, the proposal must identify how the needed technical support will be built into the project design, implementation and monitoring. This is key to project success and must be clear in terms of partnerships and coordination arrangements.



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