Document Summary


Decision B.18/23

Sri Lanka: Addressing Climate Change Impacts on Marginalized Agricultural Communities Living in the Mahaweli River Basin of Sri Lanka (Fully developed project document) (WFP) (LKA/MIE/Rural/2011/1; US $7,961,113)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Not approve the project document, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the World Food Programme (WFP) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Suggest that WFP reformulates the proposal taking into account the following:
i. The early warning system (EWS) as formulated does not present any added value compared to outputs 2.4 and 2.5 except for the warning sirens. To demonstrate linkages with the other components and to enhance early warning/delivery of information produced by the project, additional details on the design of the EWS are required, including data management and maintenance, area covered, availability of baseline data, dissemination methods, hazards addressed/monitored, and response measures suggested, for example; and
ii. The proposal should explore whether costs for meetings and surveys can be reduced to divert funds to more direct adaptation measures, in particular interventions where financial and technical support to vulnerable communities is critical, such as (a) improvement of small village irrigation systems, (b) inputs into more effective and diversified production, and (c) support to smallholders in processing and adding value to agricultural products for diversified livelihoods.
(c) Request WFP to transmit the observations referred to in paragraph (b) above to the Government of Sri Lanka.



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