Document Summary


Decision B.14/20

Tanzania: Implementation of concrete measures to reduce the vulnerability of livelihood and economy of coastal communities in Tanzania (UNEP) (TZA/MIE/Coastal/2010/3, US$9,814,517)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Not approve the fully-developed project document, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the United Nations Environment  Programme (UNEP) to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request the secretariat to transmit the concerns and observations identified during the deliberations on the project to the Designated Authority and to encourage the Designated Authority to contact the secretariat to get further clarifications;
(c) Request that UNEP reformulate the proposal taking into account the following:
(i) As noted in previous reviews, the proposal should follow a strong design, in which the different activities (components) and their outputs would be strongly linked to each other and contribute to the overall objective of the project, thus increasing the impact of the individual activities, and the cost-effectiveness of the whole project. The activities would need to be linked in this way both at the level at which they are experienced by the beneficiaries (communities) within the project, and at the level at which they would contribute to broader national objectives of coastal area 
management through policies and scaled-up implementation;
(ii) The proposal should provide more specific numerical information on the baselines and targets of activities under Components 2 and 3, to enable assessing their costeffectiveness;
(iii) The proposal should explain what types of current uses the ecosystems to be rehabilitated are subject to, how the proposed project might negatively impact those uses, and what kind of measures would be taken to alleviate costs to communities or their parts;
(iv) The proposal should also explain, whether the willingness of the targeted communities to restrict their use of natural resources has been secured; and
(v) The proposal should clearly explain complementarity with the parallel projects implemented, albeit mostly in different parts of the country, in the same sector and by the same organizations, both at the level of project activities, and at the level at which they contribute to the overall development of integrated coastal management in the country. 
(d) Request UNEP to transmit the observations in item (c) to the Government of Tanzania, on the understanding that a revised project document might be submitted at a later date; and
(e) Consider the Committee‟s concerns and deliberations while revising the Board’s Operational Policies and Guidelines.



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