Document Summary


Decision B.13/14

Tanzania (United Republic of): Implementation of concrete adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability of livelihood and economy of coastal and lakeshore communities in Tanzania (UNEP) (TZA/MIE/Coastal/2010/3, US$9,814,517)
Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Not to approve the fully-developed project, as supplemented by the additional information provided by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) inresponse to the request made by the technical review;
(b) Request that the secretariat transmit to UNEP the following observations made by the members of the Project and Programme Review Committee (PPRC) on the project when discussing it at its fourth meeting;
(i) The proposal should clarify what the expected outcome of the project is, given the multiple activities therein, including the actual quantified outputs that contribute to the outcome, the adaptation challenges (baseline) they are designed to overcome, and their contribution to the project level objective. This is equally important for the ecosystem-based adaptation outcomes, for which the geographic scope and distribution are key, and for the technical works for which the technical design description is key;
(ii) The proposal should explain the synergies and linkages between the activities within the project, including those between the ecosystem-based activities and the hard infrastructure activities;
(iii) The proposal should clearly explain the coordination with other activities; and
(iv) The proposal should explain how comprehensive stakeholder community consultations have been in coverage and participation, including vulnerable groups, and how such participation is ensured during the life of the project.
(c) Further request that UNEP transmit the observations referred to under paragraph (b) above to the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, on the understanding that the proposal could be reformulated; and
(d) Encourage the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to resubmit the proposal taking into account the observations made by the members of the PPRC on the proposal when discussing it at its fourth meeting.



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