Document Summary


Decision B.13/10

Uruguay: Building Resilience to Climate Change and Variability in Vulnerable Smallholders (ANII) (URY/NIE/Agri/2011/1, US$7,350,000)
41. Having considered the comments and recommendations of the Projects and Programme Review Committee, the Adaptation Fund Board decided to:
(a) Approve the Project Formulation Grant Request in the amount of US$30,000;
(b) Endorse the project concept, as supplemented by the clarification response provided by the Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) to the request made during the technical review of the proposal;
(c) Request that the secretariat transmit to the ANII the following observations made by the members of the Project and Programmes Review Committee (PPRC) on the project when discussing it at its fourth meeting:
(i) The fully-developed proposal should expand on the information provided in the project, particularly on Part III of the proposal, and on the ecosystem based adaptation approach that it is promoting;
(ii) The fully-developed proposal should include the most recent data collected through the project of the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations on livestock vulnerability;
(iii) The fully-developed proposal should present technology investment options focusing more on climate-proofing the extensive livestock system: the increase in competiveness should be an added value of the project and not its objective;
(iv) The fully-developed proposal should provide an elaborated risk/mitigation table;
(v) The fully-developed proposal should quantify the expected results in more detail;
(vi) In the fully-developed proposal, the framework table should be brought better in line with the results stated in the text, and in particular result of the framework table which is not in line with the objectives of project component 1;
(vii) The fully-developed proposal should provide a budget on the implementing entity management fee use; an explanation and a breakdown of all administrative costs associated with the project, including the execution costs; as well as a disbursement schedule with time-bound milestones;
(viii) The fully-developed proposal should provide information on the scenarios for climate change in the areas being addressed by the project;
(ix) The fully-developed proposal should provide a strategy for scaling-up the project; and
(x) The fully-developed proposal should explain how the project would reduce vulnerability to climate change.
(d) Request that ANII transmit the observations referred to in paragraph (c) above to the Government of Uruguay; and
(e) Encourage the Government of Uruguay to submit through the ANII a fully-developed project proposal that would address the observations made under paragraph (c).



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