Document Summary


Decision B.17/28

The Board decided to: 
(a) Approve the reduction of Board and Panel meetings to three per year; 
(b) Consider at a subsequent meeting whether to allow intersessional consideration and approval of new accreditation applications, apart from the current practice of considering for approval only applications already discussed in session by the Board; 
(c) Consider at a subsequent meeting whether to allow intersessional approval of:
(i) Any submissions received by an established deadline, or 
(ii) Only certain kinds of proposals received by an established deadline. 
(d) To revise the schedule of meeting dates approved in decision B.15/32 as follows:
(i) To hold the 18th meeting of the Board in Bonn, Germany from 26 to 29 June 2012; and 
(ii) To tentatively hold the 19th meeting of the Board in Bonn, Germany from 23 to 26 October 2012. 
(e) Request the secretariat to present to the Board a calendar of cut-off dates and approval dates and post them on the website.  



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