Document Summary


Decision B.13/8

Following a discussion of the desirability of holding  three workshops during 2011, the weighting given by the Accreditation Panel  to the regions when  prioritizing the regions concerned, the need to firm-up the scheduling of a fourth workshop for the Pacific region, the offer by the Government of Japan to  fund  a regional workshop  in  Africa during 2011, the resources available to the UNFCCC secretariat  for organizing more than two workshops per year, as well as  the potential participants in the workshops and the objectives of the workshops,the Board decided to:
(a) Adopt, with the exception of the section on location and scheduling of the workshops, the input from the Accreditation Panel as contained in Annex III of document AFB/B.13/4; 
(b) Prioritize a regional workshop on accreditation in Africa with a regional workshop in Latin America as the second priority for the year 2011;
(c) Prioritize a regional workshop in Eastern Europe and Asia for the year 2012, on the understanding that an additional workshop would also be held in the Pacific region during 2012 if funds and resources permitted; and
(d) Create a working group to prepare guidance and other documents for the regional workshops by April 2011. The following were named by the Chair to work with herself in preparing the documents for intersessional adoption by the Board:
(i) Ms. Kate Binns (United Kingdom, Annex I Parties);
(ii) Mr. Santiago Reyna (Argentina, Latin America and Others Group);
(iii) Mr. Anton Hilber (Switzerland, Western European and Others Group);
(iv) Mr. Jeffery Spooner (Jamaica, Latin American and Caribbean); and 
(v) Mr. Cheikh Ndiaye Sylla (Senegal, Africa).



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