Videos and Multimedia

9 09, 2019

Reducing Vulnerability to Climate Change in North West Rwanda through Community Based Adaptation

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Enhancing resilience of communities to the adverse effects of climate change on food security, in Pichincha Province and the Jubones River basin

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Akamatutu’anga i te iti tangata no te tuatau manakokore ia e te taui’anga reva – Strengthening the Resilience of our Islands and our Communities to Climate Change

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Increasing Climate Resilience and Enhancing Sustainable Land Management in the Southwest of the Buenos Aires Province

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Reducing Risk and Vulnerability to Climate Change in the Region of La Depresion Momposina in Colombia

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Building Resilient Food Security Systems to Benefit the Southern Egypt Region

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Climate Change Adaptation Programme In Water and Agriculture In Anseba Region, Eritrea

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Developing Climate Resilient Flood and Flash Flood Management Practices to Protect Vulnerable Communities of Georgia

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Increased Resilience to Climate Change in Northern Ghana through the Management of Water Resources and Diversification of Livelihoods

9 September 2019|

9 09, 2019

Climate change resilient production landscapes and socioeconomic networks advanced in Guatemala

9 September 2019|

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