11th AFB Meeting
The following documents are related to this meeting of the Board and its committees.
Board Documents
Ethics and Finance Committee (EFC)
Document Code | Title | Attached files |
93 AFB/EFC.2/4 | Terms and conditions of services to be provided by the trustee to the Adaptation Fund: Proposed extension |
AFB/EFC.2/4 | AF Trustee Amendment to Terms and Conditions |
AFB/EFC.2/5 | Financial Status of the Adaptation Fund Trust Fund (as at 21 July 2010) |
AFB/EFC.2/1 | Provisional Agenda |
AFB/EFC.2/2 | Provisional Annotated Agenda |
AFB/EFC.2/3 | Project Level Results Framework and Baseline Guidance Document |
Project/Programme Review Committee (PPRC)
Document Code | Title | Attached files |
AFB/PPRC.2/4 | Proposal for Senegal |
AFB/PPRC.2/5 | Proposal for Egypt |
102 AFB/PPRC.2/6 | Proposal for Guatemala |
AFB/PPRC.2/7 | Proposal for Honduras |
AFB/PPRC.2/8 | Proposal for Madagascar |
AFB/PPRC.2/9 | Proposal for Mongolia |
AFB/PPRC.2/91 | Proposal for Niue |
AFB/PPRC.2/92 | Proposal for Uganda |
AFB/PPRC.2/1 | Provisional Agenda |
AFB/PPRC.2/2 | Provisional Annotated Agenda |
AFB/PPRC.2/3 | Report of the secretariat on initial screening/technical review of project and programme proposals |