Background: Turkmenistan is an arid country where climate change is projected to have significant impacts on water resources. Water availability and supply are likely to suffer from increasing shortages due to elevated temperatures, overall climate aridification and competition for water arising from regional trans-boundary water issues.
The main objective of the project is to strengthen water management practices and legislation at the national and local levels in order to support the adoption of high efficiency irrigation techniques. This is important for local communities in that currently, water is diverted away from private sector agriculture and horticulture towards strategic state crops. Economic evidence will be used to support water and agriculture modeling activities undertaken separately by the Ministries of Water Management and Agriculture. On the basis of economic outputs, it is expected that the project will support the reframing of water legislation to include climate change considerations, and help introduce regulations that support progressive water pricing and the communal management of water delivery services by the end of 2014.
The programme will seek to demonstrate the costs and benefits of community-level approaches, including water user associations, drip irrigation, harvesting, water points, terracing, intercropping, saksaul planting, and irrigation canal improvements. The lessons from these regional pilots will be used not only to inform the legislative reform process relating to land management and water use/pricing, but will also inform the development of larger scale communal management systems and their integration into the government’s social development and poverty alleviation strategy. The work of Water User Associations (WUAs) will be supported, and funds provided for WUA led community adaptation plans and concrete investments in water management systems and infrastructure.
Learn more
- UNDP Article (November 30, 2018): Happily ever after: Returning to Nokhur village in Turkmenistan’s Kopet Dag mountains, one year on…
- UNDP Photo Album
- Relief Web (August 18, 2017): Adaptation to climate change project draws its final results
- Photos of AF field monitoring mission in June 2017
- UNDP Project page
- UNDP Article (June 16, 2016): A 100-year-old Turkmenistan reservoir gets new life
Component 1: Policy and institutional capacity strengthened to govern more climate resilient water policies | USD 350,000 |
Component 2: Community-based adaptation initiatives implemented | USD 1,300,000 |
Component 3: Communal management systems for water delivery services introduced | USD 800,000 |
Project/Programme Execution Cost | USD 250,000 |
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) | USD 2,700,000 |
Implementing Fee | USD 229,500 |
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fee) | USD 2,929,500 |
Project Documents
Attachment | Type | Size |
Project document | 1 MB | |
Inception Report | DOC | 3 MB |
Mid-term evaluation report | 2 MB | |
Final evaluation report | DOCX | 4 MB |
PPR1 (for web) | XLS | 261 KB |
PPR2 (for web) | XLS | 288 KB |
PPR3 (for web) | XLS | 347 KB |
PPR4 (for web) | XLSX | 263 KB |
Other project order | 210 KB |