The Bunda district represents the section of poor rural communities of the Mara region in Tanzania. There are highly dependent on rain fed subsistence agriculture, and are vulnerable to land degradation and forest resources due to poor farming practices, unsustainable charcoal production and fuel wood harvesting, declining fish stock, illegal and primitive fishing practices and livestock grazing aggravate the impacts of climate change on the communities’ livelihood systems, amplifying communities’ vulnerability and limiting their adaptive capacity.

This project proposes to develop and implement concrete adaptation actions at grass root levels to increase community livelihood resilience to climate change effects and cover the following sectors: water resources and supply, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, livestock, forestry and ecosystems and gender in relation to climate change. The project applies transformative integrated environmental management and aquaculture innovations, resilient rural water supply systems and Ever-Green-Agricultural (EVA) practices to reduce vulnerabilities and the impact of climate change on local communities in the district. This approach offers practical and effective combination of Community-Based-Adaption and Ecosystem-Based-Adaptation techniques to support transformation of livelihood system, combat poverty, enhance greater climate resilience of rural communities and gender equality while reducing emissions through long-term storage of carbon in landscapes.

The anticipated impact of the project is to benefit 36,218 men and women.

Project Component 1: Enhancing Climate resilience through water supply system of the drought prone agro-pastoral communities US$ 501,360
Project Component 2: Improving agricultural productivity, livelihood and enhancing agro-ecosystem resilience through Climate Smart EVA practices US$ 330,250
Project Component 3: Promoting paradigm shift of small scale fishers for sustainable income and climate resilience livelihood through fish farming innovations in selected villages of Bunda District US$ 143,779
Project Component 4: Improve ecological and environmental services and functions to sustain climate sensitive rural livelihoods in selected rural communities of Bunda District US$ 149,256
Project Component 5: Strengthening institutional capacity and knowledge management on climate change adaptation US$ 48,355
Project execution cost (including M&E) US$ 120,000
Total project cost US$ 1,293,000
NEMC management fee US$ 107,000.00
Grant Amount US$ 1,400,000


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 4 MB
Inception Report PDF 447 KB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 188 KB