The effects of climate change in El Salvador, as observed over recent years, have directly affected the productivity across the whole spectrum of the agricultural sector, with significant impacts on smallholder farming. The current situation showcases the lack of broad economic strength, low levels of diversification and technology, with direct consequences to flexible and effective adaptation. The South-Ahuachapán region is an area of high vulnerability to climate change. Considering its environmental and social characteristics at the landscape level, this part of the country finds itself highly susceptible to the destructive effects of climate variability together with lacking of necessary resources to adequately prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters. This region, contains a significant amount of the population exposed to frequent meteorological drought, while at the same time it is one of El Salvador’s main regions for the production of staple food items (basic grains), as well as other cash crops (sugarcane, coffee).  The San Francisco Menendez municipality is part of the broader South Ahuachapán landscape.

The proposed project has the main objective of reducing the vulnerability of communities and productive ecosystems in the Municipality of San Francisco Menendez to drought risk, soil erosion, and flash floods due to climate change and climate variability as described above. The project will meet this objective by addressing the main barriers that have been identified as limiting the capacity of ecosystems and rural communities in San Francisco Menendez to adapt to climate change. The project will integrate forest landscape restoration as a climate change adaptation strategy targeted towards increasing forest cover, improving the hydrological cycle, increasing the amount of available water, and regulating surface and groundwater flows, while maintaining and improving water supply and quality.

Project Component 1: Ecosystem based adaptation for enhanced resilience at a territorial level US$ 4,474,068.36
Project Component 2: Alternative and adapted livelihoods identified and made viable for resilient livelihoods US$ 1,086,300
Project Component 3: Regional Climate and Hydrological Monitoring for Enhanced Adaptation Planning US$ 876,650
Project Component 4: Strengthening of inter-institutional coordination and local governance for landscape management in the face of climate variability and change US$ 758,900
Project execution cost (including M&E) US$ 623,900
Total project cost (execution included) US$ 7,819,818.36
UNDP Management Fee US$ 664,684.56
Grant Amount US$ 8,484,502.92


Project Documents

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Project document PDF 2 MB
Inception Report PDF 2 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLSX 208 KB