Nicaragua, a country in which poverty levels are already high, also faces severe social and economic impacts related to significant climate variability. Droughts, for example, cause large losses in the agricultural sector, which provides employment for more than 60 percent of the population. During the wet season, devastating floods destroy harvests, infrastructure and housing. The objective of the Adaptation Fund programme is to reduce risks from droughts and flooding generated by climate change and variability in the watershed of the Estero Real River.


The programme will rely upon a coordinated set of interventions designed to implement new public policies for addressing climate change. They include: investments in infrastructure for storing and using rain and surface water in eight micro-watersheds in the upper watershed of the Estero Real River; introducing more efficient use of water in all production processes, increasing infiltration, strengthening soil structure, and stabilizing slopes; institutional development and capacity building in micro-watersheds, municipalities, and participating national institutions; ongoing monitoring and analysis of climatic conditions and changes in land use, water flows and soil quality; and the dissemination of results and lessons learned about building climate change resilience in vulnerable communities.


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Component 1: Investments in infrastructure for storing and using rain and surface water in eight micro-watersheds in the upper watershed of the Estero Real River USD 2,477,215
Component 2: Introduction of climate resilient agro-ecological practices to make effective use of available water. USD 1,302,785
Component 3: Institutional development and capacity building in micro-watersheds, municipalities, and participating national institutions. USD 400,000
Component 4: Ongoing monitoring and analysis of climatic conditions and  changes in land use, water flows and soil quality USD 440,000
Programme Execution Cost USD 450,000
Total Project/Programme Cost (= Project Components + Execution Cost) USD 5,070,000
Implementing Fee USD 430,950
Grant Amount (= Total Project/Programme Cost + Implementing Fees) USD 5,500,950


Project Documents

Attachment Type Size
Project document PDF 719 KB
Inception Report PDF 4 MB
Mid-term evaluation report PDF 2 MB
Final evaluation report DOCX 5 MB
PPR1 (for web) XLS 240 KB
PPR2 (for web) XLS 333 KB
PPR3 (for web) XLS 349 KB
PPR4 (for web) XLS 348 KB