SIDE EVENT: Enhancing the Delivery of Readiness and Capacity Building Support for Climate Change Adaptation

Hosted by: Adaptation Fund, Climate Technology Centre and Network, and Paris Committee on Capacity-Building

Wednesday, June 19, 2019
6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

UNFCCC SB50 Climate Change Meetings, Room Kaminzimmer

The Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat, the UNFCCC’s Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), and the UNFCCC Paris Committee on Capacity-Building (PCCB) will convene organizations and stakeholders that provide readiness and capacity-building support for adaptation to developing countries. The overall objective is to raise awareness on available readiness and capacity-building support for adaptation and to increase accessibility of information on available support through a new bulletin. The partnership would provide information from organizations providing such support to developing countries under the UN Convention and Paris Agreement, on available readiness and capacity-building support to access and program adaptation finance. The bulletin will foster information from providers of readiness support for adaptation and provide encouragement to organizations providing readiness and capacity-building support to contribute information. Effective coordination of such information is key to strengthening collaboration and complementarity in delivery of capacity-building support and to increase developing country access to information and content on available readiness and capacity-building support for adaptation from organizations under and outside the UN Convention and Paris Agreement. The bulletin is expected to promote collaboration, partnerships and complementarity in delivery of readiness and capacity-building support to strengthen quality of technical assistance and other forms of support delivered to developing countries to support climate change resilience-building on the ground.


18:30 Opening address

18:40 The AF, CTCN, PCCB partnership and capacity challenges and gaps for adaptation

Mr. Farayi Madziwa – Readiness Coordinator, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat

18:50 Panel discussion: Fostering effective collaboration for readiness and capacity-building


  • Mr. Ibila DJIBRIL – Vice Chair, Adaptation Fund Board
  • Mr. Orly Jacob – Co-Chair, Climate Technology Centre and Network
  • Ms. Marzena Chodor – Co-Chair of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building

19:30 Questions from audience to the panelists

19:40 Interactive exchange to solicit input from audience on the proposed bulletin for providers of readiness and capacity-building support for adaptation

20:00 Close

For more information on the event, please see the UNFCCC SB50 meetings schedule here and visit the Adaptation Fund’s readiness website.