Increasing climate change impacts as well as compounding risks as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate the urgent needs for innovation in the area of climate change adaptation and resilience.
This virtual webinar, hosted by the Adaptation Fund as part of the 2020 World Water Week, will provide an introduction and overview of the Adaptation Fund’s various funding opportunities for innovation in climate change adaptation through its unique Innovation Facility.
The panel discussion will showcase the different perspectives of the various stakeholders on the role of innovation for climate change adaptation in the water sector, including national and multilateral development institutions, as well as civil society in vulnerable developing countries.
Join the Webinar via Zoom on August 25, 2020, 11am EST/ 5pm CET (45 minutes):
Meeting ID: 953 4427 5735
Passcode: 143800

A community in Chile’s Valparaiso region lines up for water distribution and requested an Adaptation Fund small grant for innovation to find more innovative and resilient ways for water distribution
© Violeta Leiva Milanca
Webinar Programme
17:00 – 17:05 Welcome by Moderator – Ms. Bianka Kretschmer, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat
17:05 – 17:10 The Adaptation Fund’s Innovation Facility – Ms. Saliha Dobardzic, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Adaptation Fund Board Secretariat
17:10 – 17:30 Panel discussion: Innovation for Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector
- The perspective of a National Implementing Entity – Ms. Violeta Leiva Milanca, Technical Secretary & Programme Manager of Small Innovation Grant, Agencia Chilena de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AGCID), Government of Chile
- The perspective of a Multilateral Implementing Entity – Mr. Chongguang Yu, Investment Appraisal Specialist & Programme Manager of UNDP’s Innovation Aggregator, United Nations Development Programme
- The perspective of civil society – Ms. Gitika Goswami, Senior Programme Director, Development Alternatives & Adaptation Fund Civil Society Network
17:30 – 17:45 Q&A with participants
17:45 Closing