The Adaptation Fund Board is in the process of developing a Medium Term Strategy for the 2018-2022 period. Now the Board welcomes public comments on the draft Strategy via the survey link below.

This survey complements the earlier round of interview-based consultations by reaching a much wider range of stakeholders and presenting a draft Strategy for peer review, careful consideration, and focused feedback.

A public copy of the draft Strategy is included in the survey form.

The survey may take 30 minutes or more to complete. Please submit your responses by August 25, 2017 at the latest.

The survey has closed. Thank you for your interest.


Response Option for Contingency

In case of poor internet connectivity, please use an alternative method to provide comments on the draft Medium Term Strategy as follows:

  1. Please find a public copy of the draft Medium Term Strategy and survey form in the attachments section below
  2. Fill in the survey form and send it to by August 25, 2017 at the latest


Attachment Type Size
Draft Medium Term Strategy of the Adaptation Fund for Public Comments PDF 925 KB
Survey form: Comments on AF draft medium term strategy DOCX 54 KB